Coiling in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe a dumb question but how did they solve the issue of coiling?

DNA coils coiling into coils which again coil into coils...

Careful coiling and then securing the coils with string in 3-4 places workes well for me.

As a society, do we need more cable-coiling jobs?

"Just estimate your time spent coiling headphones and multiply it by your hourly rate then you will see how $160 is fair.

The twists are incurred by coiling wire by adding to the sides of the coil without a rotation of the coil itself.

The result after repeated coiling is a twisted up cable that doesn't lay flat even when wound correctly.

Yes, but coiling stuff requires more complex robotics and a robot per coil, since you can wind a wire around only one coil at a time.

As a nomadic developer, I'm always coiling my cables and I am always cursing my cables because they get tied up or ruined.

I never, ever use the fold-out thingies for coiling the cord, becauseI haven't figured out a way to get the cord on there without severely stressing the connection to the brick.

As both wires on the consumer end eventually join to the ends of that coiling, than wouldn't that mean both wires switch between hot and neutral everytime the current changes direction?

You could use thin rigid supports: something like telescoping linear actuators generated in-situ with a coiling system from flat material.

This appears to be two materials bonded together who expand at different temperatures causing a coiling effect vs a single material changing properties.

By my understanding of how motors work the magnet causes a positive current on the whole coiling/wire, meaning a positive current on one side is matched by an equally powerful negative current on the other.

Twist and ‘writhe’ also explain the counterintuitive ‘roadie wrap’ method for coiling long wires - where alternate loops are reversed, introducing twists, but resulting in a wire that can be uncoiled smoothly by pulling one end - or holding one end and throwing the coil.

I'd be surprised if the appellate court could give you a set of criteria for what exactly makes "a distinctive chemical identity and nature".Inside the body, your DNA is packed up into chromatin by wrapping around other proteins called histones, and then coiling those thicker strands around itself a few more times.

Coiling definitions


in the shape of a coil

See also: helical spiral spiraling volute voluted whorled turbinate