Spineless in a sentence as an adjective

There are far too many spineless dolts in charge these days.

There is no real hacker community here on HN, only a flock of spineless ship.

Nobody of our spineless politicians wants a bloody nose as in an early career end. And that is really sad.

Why give the spineless airlines any more money than you have to? This attitude is subject to change when they start sticking up for their customers by giving the TSA the boot.

The spineless, reprehensible CEOs are doing it willingly.

I don't know your situation, but the good thing about spineless uppers is that they are often as unwilling to work against you as they are for you. This PM is not actually this irrational.

What Assange claims to fear, and with our spineless government here in Sweden I can't blame him, is that he will be extradited from Sweden to the US.

Those slaves of the past that the chap in the article is lamenting were totally spineless lackeys and yes men, completely subservient to white people. For this reason alone, I'm bloody glad that they're not in power."

This yet again points out how spineless Obama is. He stated on the record that he supports everything that NSA does, and that their work is invaluable to United States.

People are fans of Musk because he succeeds and delivers in the face of spineless critics like this one. Just as people were fans of Jobs as he reintroduced quality into consumer electronics succesfully.

But if you want a more liberal/progressive government, voting for the Republicans is counterproductive, even if you do help to vote a bunch of spineless Democrats out. The real way to combat the Democrats' shift to the right is to vote for a more liberal/progressive party, like the Greens.

Teacher applies firm standards, which a spineless administration then undermines" is a well-worn subject if you have spent time reading about education, and this particular post is not a strong introduction if you haven't. I find this subject very interesting.

I don't think they will be standing in line to join this club, and again, this is not a question of a lack of money; Greece has a spineless government and aggressive unions, and they simply don't want to pay up and expect a bailout which won't come, or at least won't be on pleasant terms. -- China has immense reserves to enable it to live through a correction.

Whether or not a person likes a previous job has nothing to say about whether or not he'll like his next job, unless, of course, you're looking for a spineless twit who will go with the flow regardless of how they treat him. It's more important to recognize a cultural fit and find someone that will get along with the employees, but again, this can vary wildly.

The problem with your argument is that you don't see that one man's "choosing battles and running away to fight another day" is another man's "spineless ****-flopping appeasement", which MLK certainly was accused of being. It's only through the passage of time, when all those events are compressed into a convenient explanatory narrative, that you can think of it as MLK Jr. being a constant, unwavering political force.

"Teacher applies firm standards, which a spineless administration then undermines" is a well-worn subject if you have spent time reading about education, and this particular post is not a strong introduction if you haven't. The site design, on the other hand, will probably stick with me for a while: a background theme of a Soviet-style propaganda poster where the beaming People's Workers triumphantly brandish gin and tacos.

A world that is aging, where half the young are unemployed and the old demands to be paid to live to 98 A world lead by visionless, spineless leaders, employed by multinationals to **** anything that threatens their existence A world that is feminized, where men are taught to grovel for a women's affection, and to earn their attention with gucci and prada, paid by their mcjob A world ruled by bankers, where the mindless middle class are the sharecroppers. Bankers don't dream about flying cars.

Quote Examples using Spineless

But then you completely derailed and made the whole article about developers being spineless by not taking on more work at a greater risk. Maybe you will make something great at work and maybe it will out last your life, but most likely, it will not. Do what you enjoy all the time and try to give happiness to others whenever you can. If you don't want to take a job because it is too risky, then don't. But the real problem with spineless developers are those that take on 60-80-100 hour weeks when they really don't want to because they are too spineless to say no.


Spineless definitions


weak in willpower, courage or vitality

See also: namby-pamby gutless wishy-washy


lacking a backbone or spinal column; "worms are an example of invertebrate animals"

See also: invertebrate


lacking spiny processes; "spineless fins"


lacking thorns

See also: thornless