Wishy-washy in a sentence as an adjective

I know, that sounds very wishy-washy, but its true. This statement needs to be qualified.

You might disagree with me, but at least I am being direct and not wishy-washy. You can falsify me soon enough if you are right.

I'm wishy-washy on the term almost here... there are still affordable corners, I guess...

It's far more wishy-washy, and in a patent suit like this one the issues are far more complicated.

Well, that is perfectly vague and wishy-washy. Does Gruber actually think that the Android team doesn't want "magic", whatever that means?

I too used to be plagued by wishy-washy friends, and since waiting on finalization of plans can be a real pain, I decided to find some ways to deal with them. The first thing I did was set up a google group for my friends.

The point of the quote is not some wishy-washy "you can if you believe you can". Rather, it might be phrased better as "If you have the vision to see how something might be achieved and the drive to actually achieve it, nothing can stop you from achieving it".

Their wishy-washy side-channel PR tactics of handling bad publicity are getting really tiring now.

The idea is that the prospect of being perceived as wishy-washy is so devastating socially, that we have evolved to actually change our self-image and our beliefs to reflect our actions and words. There's a scary amount of evidence for this effect.

Yes lots of things have taken a back seat, but instead of being wishy-washy about it, I am leveraging the mass of my will power against my desire to work and not spending it on anything else. That means I'm eating fast food and not exercising as much as I "should", but I'm done making half-decisions.

So silicon valley's real value is to coddle the needs of wishy-washy primadonnas as they attempt to find them self? When they succeed, we deify them and shower them with worshipful funding, when they fail its an exercise in letting what worked float to the top to build upon it for the next what-if?

Of course I believe online sports betting shouldn't be outlawed, but the US government has always been much more clear about this being illegal when compared to its sometimes wishy-washy stance on poker.

I feel like the reasoning here is more wishy-washy, so I don't know, maybe it's wrong and we'll revisit it. Our system has a continuum from leaf code on which nothing else depends, like apps, down through AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-C. The continuum isn't really defined by what framework some code is in, it's defined by how much sits on top of it in the dependency stack.

The guy you're replying to gave five ideas for supporting her, and the response is a wishy-washy "we'll be there for her" - which is the kind of empty promise you hear drunk 20-year-olds tell each other before they sleep with each other's best friends. I don't necessarily think all the things the GP said are right, but using weasel words in this situation is a path to PR failure in my opinion.

Maybe he does it naturally, maybe it's on purpose, but I think if he used wishy-washy language, nuancing his points to tell people that some of their consumerism is okay, that it would hurt his ability to deliver his message. I think there is a side-effect to this, where people see what MMM is doing and take his advise to the extremes, failing to full think through their own personal situation.

The problem is the loss of privacy for innocent civilians, to which Obama and other government officials respond to with wishy-washy arguments about "tradeoffs" between security and privacy.

Wishy-washy definitions


weak in willpower, courage or vitality

See also: namby-pamby gutless spineless