Subservient in a sentence as an adjective

The travesty is that they are subservient to G+.

You, as a member of internal IT, are subservient to marketing.

I say trojan horse, but that's not quite right because I actually want this subservient kind of tablet very much.

"those slaves of the past that the chap in the article is lamenting were totally spineless lackeys and yes men, completely subservient to white people.

There are many people who are aren't 100% on board with the ethics of their work but they do it because it is a well paying job. So, while the culture isn't entirely subservient to "orders", nobody really rocks the boat either.

This comment sums it up nicely:"Conditioning the next generation into docile, subservient servants by using fear as a tool."Yep.

Capitalism has eroded the rights of the individual and left him utterly powerless and subservient.

Furthermore, in the computing model I long for, all my mobile devices become subservient to a singular "computer" that runs my applications.

He's a follower of the philosophy that the computer, and by extension the frameworks and languages to program it, should be subservient to the programmer.

"Monkey-wrenching" usually appears silly to people who are defeatist or subservient to a particular order/agenda.

What happens to Toledo and Baton Rouge without them?\n"""I'm not subservient to helping cities-- I'm going to cities because of my own interests, and I absolutely reject any guilt to bringing down those cities.

Tablets, and in my opinion, the entirety of what we today call "mobile," should be subservient to a general computing model of personal omnipresent applications [1].

" has several other options available:"In cahoots with",\n"defers to",\n"is complicit with",\n"is subservient to",\n"is unquestioning towards"See, you just need to sprinkle a little bit of vocabulary to taste.

It can really hurt your patriotism and sense of pride in your country when you realize it's not actually a country at all, just a subservient state, willing to do anything to avoid drawing the attention of the big fat bully.

Provided you never travel to, though or over the USA, volitionally or by ill luck, nor hold assets there, provided your government doesn't have a cravenly subservient extradition-at-whim treaty, and provided you aren't high profile enough for them to bend rules, then US laws probably don't apply to you.

Right, and the militarization of local police forces by the federal government puts those forces under federal control - not explicitly or illegally, but as in this case, they are subservient to - and answer to - the federal government rather than the local population they are meant to protect.

The latter group ends up running the company, and of course they issue utterly sociopathic "psychometric evaluations", which are basically just encoded discrimination against entire classes of people, regardless of job fitness, because the people up top are such incompetent leaders that they need subservient workers to obey their crazy orders without question.

The discourse is about why women are better/worse/different than men, not whether women should be allowed to live in the "public sphere".The closing of your argument goes even further afield and tries to elicit empathy from men by attempting to justify women's historically subservient economic position and then forming a weak thought experiment based on outdated female stereotypes.

Subservient definitions


compliant and obedient to authority; "editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones"-G. B. Shaw


serving or acting as a means or aid; "instrumental in solving the crime"

See also: implemental instrumental


abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant; "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life"; "a slavish yes-man to the party bosses"- S.H.Adams; "she has become submissive and subservient"

See also: slavish submissive