Invertebrate in a sentence as a noun

I for one welcome our new invertebrate overlords

[1]A cockroach is an invertebrate but nevertheless part of the animal kingdom.

But, as a biologist, the part that really bugged me were the functions that regard yeast as invertebrate animals.

Octopuses may be much smarter than any other invertebrate, but does anyone seriously think they are as smart as pigs?

You can vote for the shade of your representative, but you can't vote against putting an invertebrate lizard in position of power.

But I think you hit on the key with "Perhaps her neurons are different".Indeed, invertebrate neurons are wildly different from those of mammals.

Well, first of all octopi are invertebrates, so their nervous systems are quite dramatically different from ours.

Invertebrate in a sentence as an adjective

In fact, if you are accustomed to looking at mammalian neurons [1], invertebrate neurons can look positively alien.

"There do not appear to exist any obstacles to attempting to emulate an invertebrate organism today.

As an analogy, the singularity is so far off because our current computing power is essentially invertebrate multi-celled organisms.

Isn't it correct to say "the plural of invertebrate is not lobsters"?Similarly, the plural of anecdote can be many things, including data, but it is still correct to say "the plural of anecdote is not data.

Again, it's interesting to speculate whether, in an alternative history where fish did not evolve, advanced invertebrate civilisations could have arisen long before dinosaurs appeared in our timeline.

\n Mosquitofish in Australia are classified as a noxious pest and may \n have exacerbated the mosquito problem in many areas by outcompeting \n native invertebrate predators of mosquito larvae.

The first two sentences of the conclusion summarize it fairly well:Recent and accumulating work in unicellular and invertebrate model organisms, rodents, monkeys, and humans indicates that diet has a much more pervasive and prominent role than previously thought in modulating mechanisms of aging and its associated diseases.

Invertebrate definitions


any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification


lacking a backbone or spinal column; "worms are an example of invertebrate animals"

See also: spineless