Satisfy in a sentence as a verb

- Which orders can be split to satisfy a partial?

But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs.

For all those complaining about the language of this and other denials, what could possibly satisfy you?

I talked with her about it a few times, but she wasn't interested in pursuing the sort of clients I used to work so hard to satisfy.

He will inevitably sue or trash your reputation because, in the end, it isn't possible to satisfy delusional clients.

The psychopath I met also has a strong motivation to make an impact in the world, to be known almost as a hero, no doubt to satisfy desires of ego and power.

The point of art is, depending on your philosophy, variously to improve the mind or the spirit or to provide aesthetic pleasure; it's not to satisfy the intellectual pretentions of art nerds.

In other words, S is a random variable, a mapping that ascribes a probability to each of the possible software systems that we could build to satisfy C. Therefore, our best estimate, even with the perfect estimating function F, is itself a random variable.

It's nice if the constraints are prioritized so you know what to give up if you can't satisfy them all. But there's nothing quite like saying "Yeah, we did this thing in two weeks that everyone assumed was impossible, and we did it without a binary push" or "Through our clever architecture, we accomplished with one server what everyone thought required a whole rack.

Any price paid for the assets by a buyer above what is owed to the creditors goes to satisfy the liquidation preferences, though it's unlikely there will be much if any recovery of value above the debts owed to the creditors.

Because S can range from "the simplest thing that could possibly satisfy C" to "the most insanely complex thing that a frighteningly gifted salesperson for an enterprise consulting firm could get our CIO to throw money at," that distribution is going to be w-i-d-e.

Jacques de Vaucanson, the great artificer of the period, was concerned to understand the animate systems he was modeling; he constructed mechanical devices in order to formulate and validate theories of his animate models, not to satisfy some performance criterion.

Satisfy definitions


meet the requirements or expectations of

See also: fulfill fulfil


make happy or satisfied

See also: gratify


fill or meet a want or need

See also: meet fill fulfill fulfil