Fulfil in a sentence as a verb

They are not allowing us to fulfil the requests their customers make for content.

My great-grandfather recruited it into this CIV V game 72 years ago. Now it is time for it to fulfil its destiny and crush the archer built by the Bob's great uncle"

When I saw PG's email, I thought this was a self-fulfilling prophesy, even if it was only seen by YC founders.

I'm sure officers could easily fulfil the same criteria of being able to buy "counterfeit" goods from there.

But if everyone sees it, investors will close their wallets, people will declare the bubble is now popped, and the prophesy will fulfil itself.

It is vital in many applications where there is simply no other material which could fulfil the physical requirements.

Two years of classics before that showed me how to spot when I was hopelessly bored and only trying to fulfil others' expectations, while I built a great relationship with my wife.

* Corporations aiding and conspiring with said governments while taking advantage at the same time by collecting billions of funds for federal contracts we all know they can't fulfil.

The government can fight you for any length of time to refuse or minimize benefits, or they can make you provide prohibitive amounts of documentation you can never fulfil.

Anyone else here think that kids should be allowed to spend their childhoods being, well, kids?A lot of people seem to spend their time as parents trying to teach the things they think their kids should know, but too often these seem to be things that kids need to know to fulfil their parents aspirations for them.

And it had to fulfil several things to achieve that.>They could've hired some smart people from more software-oriented companies or somethingBecause Chris Lattner, the guy behind the infrastructure of tens of new languages and one of the most popular C/C++ compilers, is not smart enough right?

Fulfil definitions


put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"

See also: accomplish execute action fulfill


fill or meet a want or need

See also: meet satisfy fill fulfill


meet the requirements or expectations of

See also: satisfy fulfill