Dysphoria in a sentence as a noun

However, it should be an informed choice for people to make: this can help with their dysphoria, with some significant risks.

I had seen 'gender-dysphoric' before but didn't know the meaning of dysphoria and hadn't looked it up.

They are people with gender dysphoria, because they generally would have rather been born the other gender.

We know that gender is not merely a social construct because we know that gender dysphoria is not merely a social construct.

People are clearly interested in them...It's a new story, and gender dysphoria is a topic that I think is well worth discussing.

Your study shows increased risk of ******* for people who've gone through gender reassignment surgery compared to the general population - not compared to people with gender dysphoria who have not gone through gender re-assignment surgery.

Dysphoria definitions


abnormal depression and discontent