Reverberating in a sentence as an adjective

From '49 to Hollywood to now Silicon Valley, its a reverberating call for people to come here and get rich quick.

This puts traffic further away from the buildings and there is less echo reverberating up sides of buildings.

If you've read the Big Short, then Boomerang is a look at the reverberating effects of the financial crisis of 2008 throughout the third world.

We all got rich from all that Klein Money in 2008. still reverberating in the economy as we collectively decided not to buy booze and steak and instead invested them all /s

As are potato chips. I can't help but notice all the crunchy sound reverberating across the room when in a lunch meeting many people are eating chips. I feel like chips didn't use to be that noisy as they are now.

However the reverberating effects benefit you in many ways and almost guarantee traffic for years if the topic is "evergreen".

I'm guessing it might not be a problem since I've never read about it, but it seems like it could cause reverberating problems in the ocean which is one of our biggest natural tools in fighting climate change

The reverberating effects throughout the neighboring communities are perhaps most noticeable.

The fact that this style of arguably unethical behavior is abundant and a regular feature of the corporate landscape is already out there now, via this thread and meta-discussions reverberating out there; while it can be emotionally satisfying to divulge details, make no mistake, there will always be a cost attached.

Reverberating definitions


characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the rolling thunder"

See also: resonant resonating resounding reverberative