Resounding in a sentence as an adjective

The resounding theme is: "I've only used PHP, and I like it.

Yes, it has problems, but it's still a resounding success.

I have, and the resounding response is how difficult it is to use.

" Judge Kozinski answered this question with a resounding "no.

Some good improvements, but it's definitely a resounding "meh" from me. I'm not sure why.

The 360, despite it's initial problems is a resounding success for MS. To include it in a list of blunders would be a mistake.

If someone tried to dispose of everyone here for participating in this killing, I'd scream a resounding, "No.

A loud belch or other powerful, resounding emanation signals manliness... and it was funny when you were 7, it's still a bit funny now.

I'm not saying that Microsoft's phone and tablet businesses will become a resounding success in spite of all current evidence, but I will say it would be a mistake to dismiss them.

In my head it felt like I'd get a resounding "**** off" from all of them, but in reality small business owners are wonderful people who love talking about how to improve their business.

It's interesting, as I live in London and, even after getting a bit angry about how strong the copyright police were being, would have to admit that the Olympics were a resounding success.

If you sell software with features that could only reasonably used for illegal activitities, such as sending you the creditcard number someone is entering, then: a resounding YES!

The title is deceptive because shortly after asking that question in the article, the author comes to a resounding "no" and goes on to talk about why it is our impression that SV only works on the problems of 20-somethings.

Are the lives of the people who work in these factories better or worse as a result of these jobs existing?The answer I end up arriving at repeatedly is that it is a resounding improvement in the lives of almost everyone.

We all know how much impact other petitions made, if only this one could have the same resounding success!Seriously, if this petition didn't get 25K signatures in an hour, White House has absolutely no reason to be so afraid as to try and hide it.

The important question is: will the upfront cost and disruption be worth it?The data presented by the city of Munich six months ago provides compelling evidence that the answer is a resounding YES: the recurring savings from migration will exceed its upfront costs.

Resounding definitions


characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the rolling thunder"

See also: resonant resonating reverberating reverberative