Regurgitate in a sentence as a verb

Tell me more about mindless robots who dont listen to each other but merely regurgitate canned answers?

The same people are now killing Reddit, making it little more than a place to regurgitate memes, nerd pop culture, and rage comics.

At least it would have made time for me to make stabs at using what I was learning to do philosophy instead of simply regurgitate facts.

To regurgitate a popular TV quote: Shut up and take my money!Those services that do exist are all inferior to piracy.

Receive the exam, **** over to the back page or ask for note paper [assuming they provide it] and regurgitate what you read back on to the paper.

Except instead of regurgitating algorithms you learned in college, MBAs had to regurgitate stuff from MBA school.

... And this strategy works, Wallace says, because thats what people are: mindless robots who dont listen to each other but merely regurgitate canned answers.

Why talk about what might be the biggest scientific breakthrough of the year, when we can regurgitate snarky comments about Elsevier again?

Speaking only from my own experience, the Microsoft shops I worked in were quick to regurgitate the FUD talking points that Microsoft had been spreading.

The best coders I've ever worked with rarely memorized the nuance little algorithms that they want you to regurgitate during these interviews.

Gosh, perhaps I should just tickle myself!At the abstract level, I find it a bit depressing that the blogosphere seems to be chock full of people who regurgitate common knowledge and attempt to present it as something new.

In other words they learned to regurgitate some basic "War On Terror" lines when asked about they are doing it, but really they do it because there are jobs, resources, servers, infrastructure, support, billable hours, resumes, training, sunk into doing it.

Regurgitate definitions


pour or rush back; "The blood regurgitates into the heart ventricle"


feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food; "many birds feed their young by regurgitating what they have swallowed and carried to the nest"


repeat after memorization; "For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information"

See also: reproduce


eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"

See also: vomit purge cast sick disgorge regorge retch puke barf spew