Consanguinity in a sentence as a noun

For instance, the limits on the degree of consanguinity are to prevent birth defects.

I think the genetic risks of first cousin consanguinity are far lower than one would initially think.

The consanguinity rate is higher than any other CS conference.

Tl;dr in many places people who couldn't prove consanguinity would essentially have to attack each other due to a prisoner's dilemma dynamic.

"Roman civil law prohibited marriages within four degrees of consanguinity[44] but had no degrees of affinity with regards to marriage.

It says at the end that this "postmodern family clan" is explicitly NOT "An extended or multi-generational family defined by consanguinity".

By the 11th century, with the adoption of the so-called canon-law method of computing consanguinity, these proscriptions had been extended even to sixth cousins, including by marriage.

A caveat - while I find the hypothesis intriguing, I'm not sure how well this hypothesis explains other areas of the world that have developed low-corruption society, and I don't know the consanguinity of India.

Consanguinity definitions


(anthropology) related by blood

See also: cognation