Disgorge in a sentence as a verb

Because of some biochem, these micelles can then enter a healthy cell and disgorge the mRNA.

Would you be happy if the NSA was snooping around and your SSD refused to do anything other than disgorge secrets?

Figured they could come ashore near the Palo Alto Airport and disgorge busses that would take the Frontage road down to Charleston.

The oceans have absorbed huge amounts of what we've emitted, and would disgorge it accordingly.

Making companies disgorge private information to enable the markets to judge them?

I don't expect healthy organizations to disgorge unsuitable employees in large globs.

So it's only useful against invasions where the ships are attempting to disgorge soldiers onto the walls, but since that's what the Romans were doing it's in the realm of possibilities.

The authors reinforce the points made by Graham and the other pieces; "failure to disgorge cash leads to its diversion or waste, which is detrimental to outside shareholders’ interest.

A few years after I left, I found out that the company was being sued by the SEC, and specific officers and family members were ordered to disgorge illegally retained profits.

Perhaps they will get hit with fines in the $50-100,000 range; at a guess this vendor is having to disgorge his illicit profits but escaping any statutory penalties by cooperating.

Apple had previously managed to disgorge Samsung's entire profit based on a 19th century old, estoeric design patent law that rewards entire profit on infringement.

Disgorge definitions


cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; "spill the beans all over the table"

See also: spill shed


eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"

See also: vomit purge cast sick regorge retch puke barf spew