Reproduce in a sentence as a verb

And only your end users see it, and it is a huge pain to reproduce and handle.

I could never reproduce the techniques or forms.

I then loaded SQLite on the data file, ran the statement and reproduced the segfault.

We've been able to reproduce keys, even fairly complex ones, well before 3D printers came along.

* Pressure the manufacturers to waive copyright to their manuals so that we can reproduce them.

The community has written over 6,000 manuals, and you can download and reproduce any of them to your heart's content.

How can a separate group reproduce the results of a study if they don't have this type of information?What you seem to have said is - trust us.

There might still be work to be done, but in general if they can reproduce the demo videos with other content then they're on to something people would want.

When you are unable to reproduce a bug with a test account, it is acceptable to use a real account, except for automated testing.

Now is the future of 'art' digital printers that can reproduce what an artist might have painted in oils, something they can paint using a Wacom tablet and Illustrator?

They are often difficult to observe or reproduce, and it takes a lot of hard-won experience to become sufficiently critical of your own incompetence.

Failing to reproduce experimental results with broken equipment then faking the data with an excel function to get the teachers off my back...I had the exact opposite experience.

Ironically when most companies talk about COL it's usually on the order of 20%.I highly doubt reddit is really offering a COL that allows people to reproduce their lifestyle like-for-like in SF.

The few women who can reproduce are conditioned to use birth control, even wearing a "Malthusian belt," a cartridge belt holding "the regulation supply of contraceptives" worn as a fashion accessory.

Reproduce definitions


make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"


have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"

See also: procreate multiply


recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.; "this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well"; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"


repeat after memorization; "For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information"

See also: regurgitate