Ransacked in a sentence as an adjective

I certainly don't mean to make light of what happened to the lady who's home was ransacked.

I'll leave out the "is EJ lying or is AirBnB" question for now, but AirBnB made it much more likely that her home would be ransacked.

Plus I would think that any box with NewEgg on the side of t, is more likely to be ransacked during shipment.

Another person that has apparently never have their house broken into and ransacked. Add to that her home is in no state to live in.

If I came home and my apartment was ransacked, I'd probably be on the phone to 911 before I even set foot inside.

A mob of some 2,000 Shiv Sena workers attacked and ransacked her uncles orthopaedic clinic"

It's about other man and TC published photos of his ransacked apartment along with emails and talked to him over the phone. No need to speculate.

She's just hurting from having her home, sense of security, and sentimental possessions ransacked.

Yeah it was different, but my home in SF was ransacked and guys on ***** were involved, so it was also "similar." I have been robbed at gunpoint in Emeryville too, that was a worse experience.

In fact, I frankly don't care all that much how gracefully someone who's apartment gets ransacked handles things. It's not as material to me as the way a company that I might choose to do business with handles the situation.

Other times when people get their houses ransacked while on vacation, we don't have a flap of stories about the post office leaving mail in the mailboxes. A criminal decided to use AirBNB to find an empty apartment and provide cover.

But ebay and PayPal don't need to support the open-ended kind of claim - "My entire apartment has been ransacked and my identity stolen" - that AirBNB does.

Have any news sources stated whether or not EJ owns the place that got ransacked? I often see it referred to as her "apartment" in various places and was curious if she actually owned it or was a renter who was subletting it herself?

Its horrible that this person's house got ransacked, and maybe the founders handled it poorly, but on the whole they have created a great service that makes "the world a better or more interesting place".

If you don't think politics matters, study Argentina and the way their elites, inspired by the statist Peronista ideology, have ransacked the nation and its people.

I'm assuming you've never had your appartment broken into and ransacked. And reading EJ's story, it's somewhat worse than your average break-in-plus-digging-for-valuables.

Granted her situation is very distressing, but weigh that against the fact that even if she had not been participating with Airbnb her home still could have been broken into and ransacked. The upside here is that Airbnb was involved and it seems is trying to do whatever they can to help her, up to and including paying for a new place.

Especially when surrendering to the invaders would probably have gotten the library ransacked & burned anyway. You cannot reap the rewards of technology fifty years from now if you are beheaded by a mercenary today.

This is, if that story is true, about on par with a Bank complaining that the FBI ransacked the safe all their safety deposit boxes were stored in. Expect the bank neglects to mention that the only reason the FBI had to break open the safe and be put in the position of being able easily break open all the safety deposit boxes was because the Bank failed to to hand over one box when given a valid court order.

Remember, we're a country where Bureau of Prohibition agents ransacked peoples' physical property looking for alcohol in the 1930's, a country that put Japanese-Americans in internment in the 1940's, a country where the President had to call the national guard down to Alabama to get the governor to comply with a federal court order. You think that reading through Facebook posts or asking the British government to detain someone in an airport for 9 hours is what marks the end of America?

The difference between "oh, they're the company that made immediate efforts to improve security and insurance options after being completely blindsided along with the host when somebody ransacked an apartment and went the extra mile to compensate the victim even though they weren't legally obligated to" and "oh, they're the company that was so concerned about the effects on their funding efforts that they tried to suppress the story and blame everyone else when one of their customers ransacked the apartment of another customer" when someone thinks of "Airbnb" depends wholly upon how the crisis is responded to. So far, Airbnb has done at least as much to reinforce the latter image as the former.

Ransacked definitions


wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value; "the robbers left the looted train"; "people returned to the plundered village"

See also: looted pillaged plundered