Looted in a sentence as an adjective

Methinks you have too much faith in mobs; as expected, they smashed and looted. I suppose that was the police's fault?

Giving it to the government does not guarantee that it does not get looted, to put it mildly.

But the essential part that was always in there is 'you will die, and get looted' which never happens in modern games.

Which countries colonised and looted most of what is now the third world. Which country kills journalists and bombs news broadcasting stations?

Regardless of if I lock my door or not, I have a right not to have my property looted. Regardless of if I use a strong or weak password for my email, I have the right to not have my property looted.

Makes all you VCs and Angels in the Valley seem like dogs fighting over a doggie biscuit -- or in this case, the looted flesh and bones of the Russian people.

It's a drop in the bucket; the royal family giving to the people less than a fraction of one percent of what they looted from the country, and its wealth.

When a player suddenly logs out, their body collapses to the ground unconscious and can still be killed and looted. Your job as a survivor is to build a shelter safe enough that your body can 'sleep'

Bitcoin consuming web applications, such as stores/exchanges, are routinely being looted.

You do realize full tilt was a giant ponzi scheme and that the owners looted hundreds of millions of dollars from players' accounts right? [1][2] But don't let that get in the way of your snarky libertarianism.

The people with $700m in net worth are going to lose everything they can't fit in their pockets; their houses are all going to get looted and razed the night of the collapse. So why the **** is the guy with debt working hard to prop up the system, and the guy with investments doesn't seem to care what happens to it?

See, this is the problem - thanks to a decade's worth of state-sponsored smear campaigns, you think Conrad Black 'looted his own companies', when that's just not borne by the facts at all. I wish you luck finding someone who looks more sympathetic after the government finishes up with them.

I've played Diablo 3 through to "****" difficulty, and I've not been using my own looted gear since the middle of the "Normal" mode - there's just no competition between drops, and what you can buy on the AH for very little money. The "sensible" play style is just to farm gold, and buy AH kit.

> do we have someone more sympathetic than a guy who looted his own companies and a serial killer to serve as an example of this kind of thing being done to genuinely innocent victims That's the government's take on things. They can describe you that same way tomorrow and you can scream "I'm innocent!"

The whole operation eventually fell apart when the agents got looted, including having the weapons stolen from one of their cars while it was parked at a completely different location. There was absolutely no benefit to the community from this.

The question is -- do we have someone more sympathetic than a guy who looted his own companies and a serial killer to serve as an example of this kind of thing being done to genuinely innocent victims? Forbes may regard Conrad Black as a sympathetic victim, but I don't think most reasonable people would.

This is equivalent to suggesting that the best course of action with a business that has gone bankrupt is to allow itself to be looted by some of its' customers. Rather than attempting to rebuild value to return a higher proportion of cash/goods to all customers, or paying debtors according to contractual priority.

It was not so much an experiment as an act of desparation by a government that was being looted at gunpoint. Just as famine in the modern world is a political problem rather than primarily an agricultural one, hyperinflation is driven by political or economic collapse rather than some vaguely defined irresponsibility.

In 2011 the BBC found documents in the state security building in Egypt, looted during the uprising, which suggested that the Hampshire-based firm had offered to supply Finfisher to the Egyptian government to monitor activists. How does someone do this — sell surveillance software to totalitarian states so they can "monitor" dissidents and activists — and then sleep at night, or face their children in the morning?

Looted definitions


wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value; "the robbers left the looted train"; "people returned to the plundered village"

See also: pillaged plundered ransacked