Plundered in a sentence as an adjective

Silicon Valley engineers were plundered by their "friends"."

How much of it is the result of middle eastern sheiks needing to find a place to store the oil wealth they've plundered from their countries?

But Mainland India has been invaded many times, colonized, bulk of its wealth plundered. Add to this the overall entropy of the system.

The countries we plundered are independent people in the same way that the old lady that was just hit over the head and robbed of her capital is independent and knows what's best for her. She's also clearly not our child.

If personal data is to be exploited and plundered, at least make sure it's done by your own villains under the control of your own laws. Why volunteer anything to the competing spy agencies?

Gnome developers basically plundered the development of GTK and now only care about their use cases. They should admit that they are irresponsible.

The Chinese have notified the world early on through their actins that the internet exists to be plundered. While in the west the net is a symbol of individual freedom and power, to the Chinese it is another tool of the state.

He was forced into retirement, and the executives plundered the retirement fund. They were able to successfully sue the executives for the act, but they didn't get all that money back.

The cash may be plundered but it doesn't get siphoned offshore, so there is a realistic chance of it being recovered when the political wheel turns, and the next faction takes power.

Both programs were designed to be flush early so they could be plundered. Instead of having trillions sitting in a sovereign fund earning interest, we have a blackhole of entitlement liabilities.

Mobile Maps is as big a business as Google's search advertising business and its still un-plundered. Apple will do everything they can to 'dominate' this particular 'free to use' service.

Its people were plundered and reduced to slavery by the tax-gatherers and money-lenders. Families were forced to sell their comely sons and virgin daughters, and cities their votive offerings, pictures, and sacred statues.

It is the authority that everyone, including the plundered, believe they must have in order to keep them safe. Resistance takes courage and a willingness to lose everything you care about, such as your prideful opinion, free time or an hour of your attention.

We've already plundered many of the easy molecules. I would contest that many of the present-day pharmaceutical assumptions are predicated on the fact that the easy molecules have already been found.

Europe has been wracked by war for centuries, during which banking houses are periodically plundered by invading armies. But Switzerland with its defensive advantages and long history of neutrality rises above the noise.

I saw a similar pattern in the links that remain, it's sad to see the link authority of a site get plundered, and it seems like something inside Google's indexer realized that was going on and deleted it. As a search engine its something you have to do if you want to consider site authority in your ranking model.

I would argue that a better system needs to be developed because the downsides to the pursuit of money are quite bad and will lead to a world with it's resources plundered. Lastly, I'll point out that Warren Buffet stopped talking to one of his granddaughters because she talked about wealth to a guy making a documentary on wealth and what it does to people.

So it didn't eat bacteria, rather plundered those. Then during evolution it eventually lost every other piece of own biochemistry, eventually becoming a virus.

Are you honestly not aware that most of Africa was pillaged and plundered for centuries by European powers that greatly benefited from African resources - human and physical? Yet you expect Africa should recover from centuries of oppression without any assistance?

Sharing the plundered private photos and videos of celebrities is a sickening invasion of privacy, and invites a whole host of legal trouble for moot. Whatever these anons think, Christopher Poole cannot stand behind a veil of anonymity; he can and will be held accountable for illegal activity on his site.

Stability means, to pull from PG's essays again, that honest accumulations of wealth won't be plundered. Stability of that sort is a prerequisite to rewarding entrepreneurship - and that sort of stability is disappearing in the US, generally on account of the very same people who are responsible for disconnecting effort and reward at typical corporations.

Yet some people pirate because they simply can't pay and they're not physically stealing anything, and some people pirate because while they like a certain show like anything on Fox, they might disagree with the corporations policies and are trying not to fund them by advertising revenue or buying DVDs, and its certainly a lot more convenient than trawling garage sales and used stores to get used DVDs. So given the ambiguousness of why copyright pirates plunder and why Caribbean pirates plundered, I wouldn't say we're over-romanticizing the term. Some people are trying to, but it's an aptly ambiguous term to begin with.

Plundered definitions


wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value; "the robbers left the looted train"; "people returned to the plundered village"

See also: looted pillaged ransacked