Orthopaedic in a sentence as an adjective

I have played squash and my wife is an orthopaedic surgeon.

As the man in orthopaedic shoes said ... I stand corrected

Lovely article, as an orthopaedic surgeon I can tell you that most of us know this.

When you have an injury like that, you don't want to go to a random orthopaedic surgeon.

But then one of the item on his table is an orthopaedic insole, an item that is custom made for one's foot.

"a mob of some 2,000 Shiv Sena workers attacked and ransacked her uncles orthopaedic clinic"

The most pressing issue for the orthopaedic team was my left shoulder, which was visibly dislocated.

"I was a former game developer turned orthopaedic surgeon.

Mine is an expensive orthopaedic surgeon in NYC, he wouldn't have seen me as an addict with drug-seeking behaviour.

An example of this is orthopaedic surgery for back pain, or cardiac stents in certain circumstances.

Just to see him. While its understandable that emergency issues are getting bumped up the ladder, mine which was a non-emergency felt like a bummer when I heard the orthopaedic wont see me for a whole year just to see at which stage I am at.

As the man in orthopaedic shoes said, I stand correctedStill think it's not a particularly good or necessary commentary, though.

The cardiologist would know very little about orthopaedic specialist, for instance.

I recently tore ligaments in my ankle and broke my tibia plus fibula; even my orthopaedic surgeon has PAs helping her maximize efficiency.

Also on hearing ****, dentures, orthopaedic shoes, medicine and non-ambulance transportation to a health facility.

I'm a little late to the game but I would like to point out that this doesn't apply to infected implants and some other special orthopaedic infections where you just as with TB need to treat for a long subclinical period.

Orthopaedic definitions


of or relating to orthopedics; "orthopedic shoes"

See also: orthopedic orthopedical