Quirk in a sentence as a noun

It's for this reason that we call ECB "the default mode"; it's a quirk of ours, but a useful one.

Why to blur the concepts of classes with interfaces and introduce a quirk?

Too often, a problem I'm having is due to a quirk in the language itself and not in my logic.

I wonder if "bi-phasic" sleep isn't just a quirk since the current consensus is humans need 7-9 hours of sleep a day.

She got pregnant through some crazy and awesome quirk, and we became parents when we hadn't planned on it at all.

"AMD's advantage in Bitcoin mining was purely due to an architectural quirk"False.

Quirk in a sentence as a verb

One simple reason why most VCs don't do this is because they are sales tax exempt and so end up losing up to 21% of the bills to a bookkeeping quirk.

Tl;dr: Posts whose net score ever becomes negative essentially vanish permanently due to a quirk in the algorithm.

AMD's advantage in Bitcoin mining was purely due to an architectural quirk: their shader cores supported bitwise rotation, but Nvidia's didn't.

You ask about a quirk in a 15-year-old single-platform compiler?I always wonder what some interviewers think they're gaining from questions about minute historical trivia like this.

I also can't help but feel that a huge number of they people who naysay it are only parroting things they don't even understand - I rarely hear them explain precisely why such and such quirk in the language is bad for programming

Quirk definitions


a strange attitude or habit

See also: oddity queerness quirkiness crotchet


a narrow groove beside a beading


twist or curve abruptly; "She quirked her head in a peculiar way"