Queerness in a sentence as a noun

Even now I know a number of people who've been rejected by their families for queerness.

I have known many interviewees/ers that talked about their queerness in tech interviews.

It betrays a lack of confidence in the cultural queerness of NYers to imagine that their interests will be served by "one big suburban shopping mall.

Yeah, the other commenter has it right - you don't have to mention queerness to build a system of prejudice, and the "marriage is between a man and a woman" is just the top headline aspect of this.

Homosexuality and queerness elicits an unexplainably intense anger in some people.

Queerness definitions


a strange attitude or habit

See also: oddity quirk quirkiness crotchet


a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex

See also: homosexuality homosexualism homoeroticism gayness