Loader in a sentence as a noun

It's the easiest way to build C or C++ targeting 16-bit real mode with a Windows host/toolchain, and they use it to compile a boot loader.

I'm not sure what advantage they would get from a signed boot loader, if you can run any arbitrary kernel from within the loader.

I could have picked on any program-handling program such as an assembler, a loader, or even hardware microcode.

* Dynamic loader is being refactored, because it can not unload dynamic libraries now.

What they would do is delete the kernel module loader before by deleting the kernel module loader before running the virus.

You can rig up an iOS tableview/data source delegate/fetched results controller to look almost exactly like an Android listview/adapter/loader.

It was a serious rat's nest, with the compiled code far too large to fit into memory, so EA had developed their own code segment loader to enable their too large to fit executables to run on the consoles.

But the CPU requirements of the two are very different - the data-loader is very much a background/batch task, and shouldn't be able to steal CPU from either the data-server or from any other latency-sensitive job on the same machine.

Loader definitions


a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

See also: stevedore longshoreman docker dockhand dockworker dock-walloper lumper


an attendant who loads guns for someone shooting game