Lumper in a sentence as a noun

Say lions and tigers are one species and biologists will call you a lumper.

Others, called 'lumpers,' see wider species categories and fewer limbs on the tree.

I'm something of an operational lumper myself, and would love to have been born in a time when one could claim to be a world citizen.

A lumper has no problem saying, "C/C++ are low-level languages with manual memory management" ; but a splitter will object with, "I hate it when C and C++ are lumped together!

I think we might further define two types of lumper-splitter divides: analytical, and operational.

'The lumpers, of course, will love this new paper, but I can see splitters saying that there is too much variation in both the African early **** and Dmanisi sample for them to all be **** erectus.

Ireland's devastating "potato famine" was another example of the catastrophe that can result from free-market-drive overdependence on a single monoculture --- in this case the "lumper" potato variety, which was susceptible to the Phytophthora infestans blight --- with no genetic diversity [1].

Lumper definitions


a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

See also: stevedore loader longshoreman docker dockhand dockworker dock-walloper


a taxonomist who classifies organisms into large groups on the basis of major characteristics