Longshoreman in a sentence as a noun

In that case, I'll be a software longshoreman going forward.

Why didn't the longshoreman unload it from the ship?

Hang on. The longshoreman part is a bit more complicated than that.

I've heard longshoreman make excellent money, and there's a long wait list of people to get into the trade.

It's the modern day equivalent of being a longshoreman.

The driver interviewed there is also not a longshoreman, and very likely not repped by a union at all.

That way you aren't contributing to further polluting the worlds oceans and the port of Los Angeles when the shipping container with your fairphone is received by the longshoreman.

Because it's likely the device your longshoreman foremen and customs inspectors are already using around this inventory.

Programmers also tend to be idealistic and unions are often hard core realists which might wind up disappointing to work for. I am not convinced any existing union would be able to represent a large group of programmers as opposed to a large group of longshoreman without the programmers jumping ship.

I suppose in the rest of the USA a doubling of wages will definitely get them through an awkward longshoreman period, "well I'm being paid more unexpectedly, I suppose I can't complain about the robots".

Professions like truck drivers, longshoreman and radiology techs that provide compensation between 40K and 70K could probably be mostly or completely automated in less than the span of a generation.

When shipping firms moved to shipping containers mid 20th century, the productivity gains were split between corporations and the union to buy out longshoreman so there was a graceful transition out for these folks who were no longer needed.

Let us have a thought for the the profession of longshoreman, eliminated by the commercial viability of the shipping container in the 60's and subsequent total automation of port operations.

Longshoreman definitions


a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

See also: stevedore loader docker dockhand dockworker dock-walloper lumper