Dockworker in a sentence as a noun

"Tim Cook -- son of a dockworker and a pharmacy worker.

The destruction of the longshoreman/dockworker career happened over the course of about 10-15 years during the 60's and early 70's.

Having a black doctor for a parent probably provides more benefit than having a white dockworker for a parent.

But you are actually more likely to make this dockworker-to-PM or dockworker-to-CEO transition in Denmark, contrary to the myth!

Does it pay better than a career as a dockworker or insulation installer over the course of each career?Did it when the people being impacted by CTE today played?I think most people overestimate the career earnings of the average football player and especially don't discount for the dramatic increase in pay that happened in the last 20 years?

Dockworker definitions


a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

See also: stevedore loader longshoreman docker dockhand dock-walloper lumper