Stevedore in a sentence as a noun

It reminds me of the working conditions for stevedores in the 19th century.

Somehow they managed to pay for fuel and crew to get across the ocean, but didn't have money to pay the stevedores?How does that happen?

On a given subject we've traditionally delegated to "experts" I might as well ask a fry cook or stevedore.

For the devops stuff, we use pallet [1], a clojure library similar to puppet or chef, and stevedore, a clojure DSL for writing bash.

The US seaports were unionised, but conversion from stevedore to container was achieved, by negotiation.

Interestingly, it's in the world of logistics too. Longshoremen/dockworkers/stevedores used to be among the most common occupations in the US at the turn of the century, but now the industry employs a tiny fraction.

Stevedore definitions


a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

See also: loader longshoreman docker dockhand dockworker dock-walloper lumper