Jiggery-pokery in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps worth checking whether any jiggery-pokery is going on.

You might not know you query is "more complex" either: do you know for sure that you are referencing a simple table or a view that is doing some jiggery-pokery to derive values?

[2] People don't seem to accept "well go ask the salesman to make Office fit and make it go fast for you, you obviously think he knows more than I do"[3] as a valid response...[3] Heck, those diminutive laptops/tablets/black-boxes-to-plug-into-your-tv, that are still being actively sold as Win10 compatible, can't even install the latest Win10 updates without some technical jiggery-pokery.

[†] an always-on-top window positioned so it is a line across the top of the focused window would do, four such objects, one for each side, would be the easy hacky way to achieve a border, a single drawing surface with transparency and mouse click-through would be cleaner but with my current skillset more faf working out the relevant API jiggery-pokery or finding a library that wraps that nicely already[‡] Using Delphi.

Jiggery-pokery definitions


verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

See also: trickery hocus-pocus slickness skulduggery skullduggery