Skullduggery in a sentence as a noun

What makes you think there is deliberate skullduggery in play?

Man, who could imagine such skullduggery in such a boring place as Conscordia's Reggies.

Just a small handful of people would have to scrutinize it and keep up a credible threat of catching out any skullduggery.

It seems like your response is based around "it's not easy to understand or comprehend, but can be with plenty of skullduggery".

This attack vector is the obfuscated c contest of skullduggery.

It's possible being visible is in his best interest, since it reduces the amount of skullduggery that can be accomplished out in the open.

There's sloganeering and accusations of skullduggery, but most of the pitch is usually quite unrhetorical in its format.

They have a financial interest in continued piracy and other skullduggery leading to more infected computers.

Just because the NSA is storing the largest ever collection of personal info with potential for blackmail, election skullduggery, stalking, identity theft, etc. doesn't mean that those things would happen.

Lest the moderators change the title to something uninformative, here's the title I used when posting this link:Reputation, identity, shills, and reviews: skullduggery in the literary world.

Skullduggery definitions


verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

See also: trickery hocus-pocus slickness jiggery-pokery skulduggery