Hocus-pocus in a sentence as a noun

More meta: at this point I have no reason to see their measurements as anything other than hocus-pocus.

That is to say, they bought all our shares in the future and with a bit of hocus-pocus, pulled a bunch more out of thin air and diluted our stake.

Unfortunately, the author seems to be doing a bit of hocus-pocus hand-waving to make these "underground" malls seem like some mystical place.

..isn't a good place to be paranoid the core of AES, namely substitution-permutation network hocus-pocus.

You may also recall the hocus-pocus Visa did not long ago by showing a middle finger to some Russian bank as per directive of the US department.

".I'm may be a bigot and jaded with bias, but if I learn that you put a lot of faith into a deity based hocus-pocus religion i'll likely end up putting less faith in your personal reasoning skills as a human.

It's mostly hocus-pocus business theater wearing a suit and tie and saying the expensive, semi-gloss prospectus in front of them mitigates risk when they're too dainty to understand how sausage is made in the sausage factory.

Hocus-pocus definitions


verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

See also: trickery slickness jiggery-pokery skulduggery skullduggery