Skulduggery in a sentence as a noun

It just seems weird that given the glut of VC money these days, they'd have to resort to skulduggery to raise capital for a Sure Thing™.

I have noticed issues with Firefox shortcuts while on YouTube, and have wondered if this sort of skulduggery was going on.

I have an working theory that as an organization the CIA thinks it can 'win' via various cunning skulduggery.

Later parts explain how Atari ended with the rights for home computers and Nintendo for consoles and the schemes and skulduggery that followed.

The skulduggery and corruption of f1 is legendary.

But I think the political skulduggery based on your position regarding the data is also concerning.

> [Biden would] want to win this fair and squareUmmm.. yes, but that doesn't mean he'd like someone else to win by cheating or skulduggery explained as "simple human incompetence".

If you're playing a game like Guild Wars it's probably because you are already entertained by fantasy violence and skulduggery.

Add with the skulduggery and non-democratic process, it is easy to view this as a Trojan horse which 10% good and 90% maliciousness added in.

Just trying to imply skulduggery to "look, they joined our API structure, and didn't even do a good job of it, so they should have to pay us for infringement" is a transparent farce.

I expect the militarization of space to follow the same approximate trajectory as all this internet skulduggery.

I'm not a sceptic but this sort of attitude does open up the possibility in my mind that the scientific consensus in climate change could in part be an artefact of this political skulduggery.

Skulduggery definitions


verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

See also: trickery hocus-pocus slickness jiggery-pokery skullduggery