Group in a sentence as a noun

They kicked the mole out of the group, so the FBI doesn't have access to HTP anymore.

But two things, first, supporting prop 8 does not mean you "believe a certain group of people don't deserve to live their lives like others.

The ability to discover a new exploit on demand implies a high level of skill within the group.

HTP told Linode to just publicly acknowledge that HTP was the group that broke into Linode, and they'd delete the sensitive info.

* After telling that coworker that he is considering telling HR about racism in his group, "Steve" takes him aside for a 1-1 meeting.

A group of people will go out, and unanimously decide to ***** and pinch and swipe their glass worship stones instead of having a ******* conversation or looking around them.

After a point is added to a group, the mean of that groups is adjusted in order to take account of that new pointHey, so there was an intuitive explanation in that paper after all!

Group in a sentence as a verb

Many years ago, before the creation of the Web, a small group of us used to meet at a little wooden church just off the Stanford campus to discuss a little-known idea called nanotechnology.

And their operations are a mess; they don't really have SREs and they make engineers pretty much do everything, which leaves almost no time for coding - though again this varies by group, so it's luck of the draw.

This is the most fascinating part of the Bitcoin story: watching a group of people who are philosophically opposed to most elements of the modern economy discover, one by one, why all those elements exist.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

Here we have a group of objectivist libertarians who believe that there should be effectively no laws other than the law of economics and self-interest who run an illegal website devoted to the pure greed of cashing in on contraband, and this is what they write:"I’ve included transaction logs at the bottom of this message.

But, since you only made it through the few paragraphs of the paper, you missed an intuitive explanation that's right there on that page from an paper reproduced by that blog post:Stated informally, the k-means procedure consists of simply starting with k groups each of which consists of a single random point, and thereafter adding each new point to the group whose mean the new point is nearest.

The people who actually work the port asked that they not disrupt the port, but in the end these dreadlocked, shiftless complainers cost those longshoremen a day in wages -- Viva El Proletariado!What we have today is a group of young, electively poor white kids who are upset that the price of unheated lofts and dingy Victorians are being driven up by people who have the means and motivation to actually own and improve them.

Group definitions


any number of entities (members) considered as a unit

See also: grouping


(chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule

See also: radical


a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse


arrange into a group or groups; "Can you group these shapes together?"


form a group or group together

See also: aggroup