Bozo in a sentence as a noun

Smart people tend to **** the bozo bit on the world.

Kind of like calling the defense attorney for a guilty client a bozo.

> " If you're unwilling to provide proof you're not a bozo, you're probably going to be just awful to work with as well.

The **** side of everything being cheap is that any bozo with a credit card can do it....I could go on and on with this.

"70 = You're an average Joe. You're not a bozo, and you're not a rock star, and you're not going to get a promotion soon"And then they offered you a promotion to stay when you threatened to leave ?

If so, do you have any friends?Actually, ultimatums are a great way to get people to **** the bozo bit and stop listening to you.

"If a lawyer told you Javascript was not a programming language, you'd immediately think "Cripes, he's a bozo.

They weren't impressed when they heard about this one, especially since they had no formal relationship with the bozo.

Didn't do well enough at the job interview or you're a total bozo and poor at understanding technical concepts/writing code?

Although Microsoft may have continued to put out innovative products and create shareholder value after 1992, the company is now run by a textbook bozo.

Bozo definitions


a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

See also: fathead goof goofball jackass goose cuckoo twat zany


an informal term for a youth or man; "a nice guy"; "the guy's only doing it for some doll"

See also: hombre