Hombre in a sentence as a noun

Gotta learn to love yourself, hombre, because you're stuck with you

"This guys is a bad hombre and so we should limit his freedom of speech" is clearly not objective.

When I get around to writing a blog post about it, I certainly hope you will be there to upvote it, hombre f.

Whatever you end up doing won't be pretty but talking is and discussing things hombre a hombre is the best approach.

No, they actually declassified some of the stuff he leaked as a result of the leak, so it's not just "ese hombre está loco, yo"

I've come to know Dave through friends and theres a lot to learn from a down to earth hombre like him and it's reflected by what I know of the rest of his team.

If we extend the scenario from hombre_fatal's example to include IP spoofing like in that wikipedia article you linked, you end up withIP: load balancer addr>X-Forwarded-For: addr>, user addr>, addr>So you either need to know the number of proxies that you trust that are in between you and the user, or you need to know the IP addresses of those trusted proxies, in order to determine which parts of X-Forwaded-For to trust.

Hombre definitions


an informal term for a youth or man; "a nice guy"; "the guy's only doing it for some doll"

See also: bozo