Cuckoo in a sentence as a noun

Thus, 1Hz would be a reasonable way to describe the cuckoo bird rate of the system.

Unfortunately, a few are poorly sourced and look like cuckoo eggs to me.

I mean - if they expect you to be 100% productive within your first few weeks, they're in cloud-cuckoo-land.

Having tried that myself, I discovered your suggestion causes Google Now to go a little cuckoo.

Cuckoo in a sentence as a verb

It's like a cuckoo that can eat up all of the energy and nourishment that should be going to growing genuine working relationships.

He paid attention, just the wrong kind of attention -- crackpot cuckoo crazy alternative medicine attention.

Customers aren't actually as stupid as birds: You can put a newborn cuckoo in a bird's nest and the bird will feed it -- it doesn't actually know what its own offspring are supposed to look like -- but you can't just build a thing with a screen that looks superficially like an iPad and expect folks to mindlessly buy it.

Cuckoo definitions


a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

See also: fathead goof goofball bozo jackass goose twat zany


any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail


repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call