Basis in a sentence as a noun

I'm a sysadmin/devops with 12 years in, and build stuff like this on a daily basis.

Are you mean to your wife / husband on a regular or semi-regular basis?15.

But if you find even one legal hook that gives you a sound basis upon which to attack what they are doing, then you can stand and fight.

There's absolutely no basis for assuming that traffic will continue at the spiked rate.

Having a blood glucose this high on a long term basis will have long term effects that are what **** most diabetics in the long run.

How about 'Google Calendar has some design decisions that I disagree with, mostly on the basis of some colors being different.

In this light, papers like solved problem but with monads are entirely reasonable: theyre about bringing things over to this new basis.

I find it annoying when someone tries to get me to do some puzzle for an interview or other thought experiments that have little basis in reality.

Instead, its a different basis for programming which allows you to manage side-effects explicitly.

Think of it this way: what if your target market was dominated by companies that charge way too much, are extremely inefficient, and are carrying a huge, ever-growing cost basis?

Is duration-of-residence a legitimate basis for such strong civic discrimination rooted in law?

They aren't standardized and they aren't rigorous so you can't compare candidates on any apples-apples basis and you can't correlate them to job performance to make them more predictive.

"This happens more frequently: Google says this all the time, based on posts here; Amazon now does the same thing; even apartment rental companies will say "you've been turned down on the basis of this report that we don't know the contents of.

This particular individual even goes so far to say that "the biggest problem" is the alleged misuse of labels related to racism or sexism, as if this could somehow be worse that the discrimination the disenfranchised experience on a day-to-day basis.

So even if you don't need math to do your programming work on a day to day basis, it's because a lot of very smart people have solved some very difficult math and language problems over the decades so that you have the luxury of ignoring the mathematics your code relies on.

Tangentially related, I am getting very, very tired of "customer service" departments using phrases like:"While we are unable to provide detailed information on how we link related accounts, please know that we have reviewed your account on the basis of the information provided and regret to inform you that it will not be reopened.

Basis definitions


a relation that provides the foundation for something; "they were on a friendly footing"; "he worked on an interim basis"

See also: footing ground


the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture"

See also: base foundation fundament groundwork cornerstone


the most important or necessary part of something; "the basis of this drink is orange juice"

See also: base