Glucose in a sentence as a noun

It's so carby, I've got to have milk to get some protein to level out the glucose release.

The glucose & fructose spikes are also source of inflammation.

Inge has an amalgam of health issues, the most serious of which is her high glucose levels.

' Examples include glucose tests and pregnancy tests.

Having a blood glucose this high on a long term basis will have long term effects that are what **** most diabetics in the long run.

Our bodies run on glucose yet our diets are rife with fructose which must be converted by our livers into a usable form.

Sucrose is exactly half-and-half fructose and glucose; it is composed of one of each, bound together.

Will I be prevented from purchasing a glucose meter because I can not be trusted to know my own glucose levels?

Our bodies have been dealing with glucose and fructose for a very long time -- even on evolutionary time scales.

This is why Pedialyte, which contains both salt and glucose, is often given to dehydrated children and adults.

There is not a single glucose device on the market that lets you extract the data out of your glucose monitor and crunch the data how you want.

'"\n\nIt's true that artificial sweeteners have no immediate effect on appetite, blood glucose levels, nor weight gain.

Most cases of dysvascular amputation can be prevented by better management of blood glucose levels.

' Now top this with the multiple Fortune 500 companies that are working to discover a means to non-invasively monitor glucose.

A great example of this is a continuous glucose monitoring, non-invasive watch that came out ~ a decade ago.

>All diabetics could now measure their glucose levels without having to take a finger-prickAll of my investment dollars.

As a type 1 diabetic I can say this would be a huge improvement over current continuous glucose monitoring systems.

Continuous glucose monitoring is still extremely valuable to my health.

Fructose is metabolized through pathways that are most similar to the way glucose is processed, notwithstanding the important differences.

If he's a true programmer, he'd code up an iphone app that controls an arduino that mixes up the precise amounts of amino acids, boron, saccharides, glucose and polyphenols for the perfect Soylent to start his day. Maybe even post his objective C on github so I can issue a pull request with 200% more boron.

If the study is correct, take one group of people who use diet soft drinks with an overall healthy diet and compare it to another group of people who consume the same overall healthy diet but drink water instead of diet soft drinks, and the group that drinks water should have a better glucose tolerance response than the diet soft drink group.

Glucose definitions


a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy