Cornerstone in a sentence as a noun

That sounds like an incredibly weak cornerstone to me.

A cornerstone of the currency rests on random folks like this threads OP not disclosing transaction IDs?

When "I have been in this industry longer than anyone on that site" is a cornerstone of your defence, you've already lost.

And it's a required cornerstone of behavior control.

Sure, it's just part of the foundation of what will turn into a business, but it's often the cornerstone of that foundation.

Trust is a cornerstone of civilization and more so for anyone in a journalist-activist function.

You've already told her this, and she claims that after saying this, all help evaporated - it's the cornerstone of her complaint, and you're announcing Round 2 of the same thing.

They are undermining the entire legitimacy of the justice system, a cornerstone of our society.

Qt may not be a cornerstone of Nokia's mobile strategy anymore, but it's still being actively developed and has wide industry support.

The cornerstone of romantic relationships is equal emotional investment, and the idea that beneath all the trappings, we're fundamentally all just people.

We've all learned that execution trumps ideas alone, and is a surprise launch really the cornerstone of your execution?Before applying for a job, I would want to check out the company's home page and see "do they look competent?

The civilian-military hierarchy has long been recognized as a cornerstone of American government.

To maintain a few perks, they will let the Tories destroy centuries of civilisation - the Vienna Convention is a cornerstone of international relations, and hence, of world peace; threatening it over a silly man is just irresponsible.

It seems obvious that accurate data validation and comparison would be the cornerstone of a successful relational database, yet MySQL defaults fail to provide any domain-relevant value whatsoever.

"the crimes the defendants and their co-conspirators committed were virtually indistinguishable from the kind of thuggery practiced for decades by the Mafia, which has long made manipulation of public bids for things like garbage collection and construction contracts a cornerstone of its business.

Cornerstone definitions


the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture"

See also: basis base foundation fundament groundwork


a stone in the exterior of a large and important building; usually carved with a date and laid with appropriate ceremonies


a stone at the outer corner of two intersecting masonry walls