Druggist in a sentence as a noun

An interesting point here would be "Why should the druggist charge 2000$ for 200$?

The druggist funded his own research I presume.

I asked my Grandmother why people didn't just take stuff out of the store and she said, "Oh no, everyone likes the druggist, no one would want to inconvenience him like that.

The drug store was kind of like that in Endicott when I was a kid, when the druggist was out for lunch the sign asked you to put what you owed in the basket next to the register.

Are there any statistics on ******* and opiod overdoses from the later 19th and early 20th centuries, when there were essentially no regulations on the substances and you could buy laudanum and patent medicines at your corner druggist?

Of course, the other component is the time to spend on learning to use the tools, and for designing stuff to make with them...With regards to chemistry - a staggering array of chemical supplies can be purchased from the hardware store, druggist, or supermarket; the trick is knowing what common name to look for, to get a particular chemical.

Druggist definitions


a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

See also: pharmacist chemist apothecary