Chemist in a sentence as a noun

I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.

Why is your focus on the chemist despite the fact that she was basically bribed?

I majored in math and chemistry, and I have to say, that class with Tius was by FAR the hardest **** I ever had to go through.

Most people on here probably don't know who EJ Corey is, but he's widely considered to be the greatest chemist alive.

I was stuck with Tius, and I was stuck with an entry level graduate textbook on organic chemistry--this part is no joke.

The chemist involved was believed to have tainted over 40,000 cases over the duration of about 10 years and they'll only get 3 to 5 years?

This reminds me of a case in Europe, where a PhD chemist was found to have faked/fabricated large parts of his graduate work, including his thesis.

I don't know if it's the same in software, but in a previous life I was a chemist in a biotech startup that had an initially successful IPO.

> "40 percent of Earth’s population is alive today because, in 1909, a German chemist named Fritz Haber figured out how to make synthetic ammonia.

As a synthetic chemist, it really surprised me to see carbon tetrachloride featured prominently in one of the pictures on kickstarter.

And that includes a general chemistry course with another brutally hard chem professor in which I stood up three nights in a row to study for the third exam because I was so behind.

As an analytical chemist also with a degree in biochem who has worked extensively on blood analysis, this will not work at any meaningful rate of reliability.

Would you feel comfortable ingesting a drug developed by a chemist who threatens criminal charges against someone who reports — truly and accurately — that other scientists have raised questions about his conclusions?

Actually I worked as a synthetic organic chemist in a previous life and I was always much more afraid of the chronic systemic poisons than the things that blew up. It's one thing to have something go boom in your fume hood and quite another to get a drop of something on your glove that you don't even notice and then later that week all your hair starts falling out and everything tastes like metal.

You can choose to feel insulted regardless, like you could choose to feel insulted if a teacher said "Nope, there is in fact no carbon in a water molecule -- here's some resources or talk to a chemist and they'll set you straight", but that is entirely under your control.

Peirce figured out electrical gates could be used to implement boolean logic 50 years before Shannon, axiomatised the natural numbers before Peano, made the distinction of cardinal and ordinal before Cantor & nobody knows who he ******* was because he was a chemist.

Chemist definitions


a scientist who specializes in chemistry


a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

See also: pharmacist druggist apothecary