Pharmacist in a sentence as a noun

Then there's a big sigh when I say I actually want to talk to the pharmacist.

You can get 100 if you see a pharmacist and persuade them you need them, but that'll be a struggle in most places.

A pharmacy is nearby, but my head is pounding too hard to read the labels so I go to the pharmacist.

According to a pharmacist I knew, a child died on his watch because of incorrect dosage.

[Full disclosure: I work at Facebook and have dated a pharm student/pharmacist.

You will be the most tech-savvy pharmacist in the department/company.

]Of course "in the medical profession" doesn't equal "doctor or pharmacist".

I just made an appointment to see a GI specialist, and it took 1 day. My friend who is a pharmacist for Shoppers Drug Mart in Toronto told me she was amazed at how quick that was.

Yes, it's entirely normal in Germany to just walk in and consult a pharmacist about minor problems.

How's this for the actual discussion: There have been cases of people dying because the pharmacist misread the doctor's scribbles and gave them the wrong prescription.

I even keep running into _pharmacy techs_ that ask me with a priceless facial expression if I really, really, really want the specific asthma inhalers and quantity that I'm picking up because they keep experiencing sticker shock - "I can ask the pharmacist and your doctor to get you a different one" naw, they're all expensive, they were always expensive, and nothing will change it.

Pharmacist definitions


a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

See also: druggist chemist apothecary