Afloat in a sentence as an adjective

I go to that bookstore all the time, and I can assure you it's not the "digital printing press" that keeps them afloat. I've never seen a single person mention it or use it.

So you keep the ship afloat as long as possible. Meanwhile, since you've managed to keep the company viable much longer than most others could, you get a nice reward.

So long as we continue to do so, the bubble stays afloat. In order to test Thiel's thesis, we'd have to go a step further and ask ourselves: what would, in theory, cause the bubble to pop?

If the platform you rely on is going to self destruct out from under you, you need to jump to whatever has a chance of keeping you afloat.

People are willing to put up with all sorts of abuse in order to keep their family afloat, but that doesn't justify anything.

I couldn't stay afloat long enough to cause any water splash either. Fortunately I touched a rock that was sticking out from the bottom with my foot and stood there for a bit to recover and go back.

I had to use a combination of all of my credit cards as well as the full available equity in my home to pay salaries, bills and keep the business afloat. I did not fire anyone.

Based on some of the comments here, it would seem that getting by on just a developer's salary in San Francisco is near impossible--you have to have stock money to keep you afloat. So how come waiters, sales clerks, etc.

That being said, it's operating like a Ponzi scheme that needs constant infusions of cash to stay afloat as it's hemorrhaging money. We'll start by looking at the balance sheet, which is typically a waste of time for hypergrowth companies.

What Thiel doesn't get is that the reason why it's a bubble is also what keeps it afloat. It's exclusionary, and something inherent in humans is a desire to categorize and compartmentalize -- credentials.

The country has a deficit of 180% /GDP and every person in the army is one person less doing productive work to keep country afloat. Edit #3: When the "Baby Boom" generation will retire in the United states, do you expect the country to sustain a positive GDP?

It's likely a matter of reducing overhead and improving internal communications as opposed to any "bad news" that they need to get rid of people in order to keep the ship afloat. As the CEO says, this is something that happens when you grow a lot: you need to make some changes every now and then.

It's just not economically feasible to employ people with those qualifications in a retail store, and anyway, that alone isn't going to keep the store afloat. But I think there's still a way for Radio Shack to be a viable company; it would just require some radical changes.

As a result, as the company kept needing money, and since they couldn't' get outside Capital, they kept using Jobs' capital, and other founders would get diluted as Jobs would buy more and more shares by putting more and more money into it to keep it afloat. In Isaacson's book, however, this isn't really explained, and it comes off as if Jobs was ripping off the others.

The biggest concession from Microsoft was that they made IE and MS Office for Mac, which kept Apple afloat for enough time to develop and launch OS X. >was burying the hatchet on all the patents microsoft was violating, to the tune of several billion dollars a year from Microsoft paid to Apple for several years. This latter bit was reported, but kept quiet because Apple didn't care and microsoft wanted to save face...

A lot of the seed-funded apps/companies from the past few years simply won't represent later-stage venture opportunities, and may find themselves in a position where they can't raise additional capital but can keep the service afloat without the payroll overhead.

If I were Facebook and I really didn't want this extension or others like it to stay afloat, my approach would be simple... hire one guy whose only job is to monitor new releases of these extensions, and then make minor structural changes to the Facebook site that break them as soon as they're out.

Whether they can stay afloat or not in the face of returns is up to them. And I believe they well can stay in the black, given that: * `installation' of Windows from a harddrive image is quick, low-tech and mostly hands-off process, * as a major retailer they enjoy strong negotiating position with Microsoft or OEM for obtaining said images, * if they really can't be bothered with the harddrive images, shipping the device to OEM for the work is cheap anyway, given they certainly exchange significant volume of cargo with 'em.

Afloat definitions


aimlessly drifting

See also: aimless directionless planless rudderless undirected


borne on the water; floating


covered with water; "the main deck was afloat (or awash)"; "the monsoon left the whole place awash"; "a flooded bathroom"; "inundated farmlands"; "an overflowing tub"

See also: flooded inundated overflowing