Directionless in a sentence as an adjective

Don't be directionless and say "self-improvement" is your goal.

> Backbone is so needlessly open-ended and directionless that a dev who doesn't > already know how to write good code will just write worse code.

The first 30-40 pages feel a bit directionless and even annoying as you get used to Jaynes' authorial tone, but once it gets going it's a great read.

No. Stalin died in March '53, leaving a directionless power vacuum until September, when Khrushchev took over.

Anyway putting in this extra effort is hard work but worth it, because otherwise your thoughts always come out like this: pretty, suggestive, but directionless.

Apple has almost no enterprise presence, and this could be an opportunity for them to steal market share from Microsoft, who lately appears directionless and out of touch.

It may mean feeling empty, directionless, amotivated, detached from everything, a modern Sisyphus rolling boulders in a meaningless, absurd universe.

Recent releases of Delphi have been troubled and a bit directionless; it seems like Embarcadero, the current owners, are understaffed or incapable, and they seem scattered and unable to make consistent strategic decisions.

If you want to dislodge evolution as a directionless force, and avoid Occam's Razor, you need to account for this intelligence somehow, because evolution already describes a reality in which it's not necessary.

Directionless definitions


aimlessly drifting

See also: aimless planless rudderless undirected