Viable in a sentence as an adjective

While there is overlap, Docker is mostly not viable as a dev environment tool alone, so it isn't a fair comparison.

If they did this, then you could also imagine indie people shipping TV Shows as apps as a viable model for the first time, completely skirting Cable networks.

The animals live in disgusting conditions that require antibiotics to keep them viable.

Whereas previously such a thing would have been unusable in practice, having good sourcemap support in most browsers these days makes it viable, perhaps.

I'd like to call attention to one thing though:"I don't believe that a state-run economy can be as viable as market capitalism in producing mass wealth.

The corresponding reddit thread is quite insightful:"It is far cheaper to make one very good chip for the highest market, and modify it slightly for lower end markets...Now, this is the part you hate: this is the only viable alternative.

"I think its something hackers, especially those with children should ask themselves: Would I still be me, if I had grown up around primarily content consumption computing devices instead of more general purpose laptops and desktops?Tablets are knocking the sales off of low-end PCs, but we as a society need the cheap PC to remain viable, if we want to turn as many children as possible into creators, engineers, tinkerers, and hackers.

Viable definitions


capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

See also: feasible executable practicable workable


capable of life or normal growth and development; "viable seeds"; "a viable fetus"