19 example sentences using flooded.
Flooded used in a sentence
Flooded in a sentence as an adjective
From curiosity: What did you change in your profile to get flooded with work?
It is easy to be glib and say things like "cable being installed" but what about sump pump being busted and my basement being flooded? Or a limb fell through my roof?
If you think it does, I predict having code written in off hours is a requirement will result in github being flooded with just horrible code. It's hard to evaluate code in a quick glance.
This was the lowest of the lows, right after the telecoms in Dallas had folded and just flooded the market with thousands of developers. Not that there were many jobs.
The bus remained where it was, the thought of driving to Mountain View with a broken window and flooded with cold air an unthinkable horror they could not endure. Or maybe because it was a crime scene?
Homes in NY and CT are being flooded, some banks are being closed indefinitely. I imagine that a lot of YC folks may be scrambling to check on homes and loved ones and trying to keep generators working, etc.
It has no defense against getting flooded with information like this, as far as I can see. Yet it would be trivial to defend against trivial attacks like this.
Unfortunately, I seem to have lost the bookmark and with all the publicity this ruling is getting, google is flooded on all the keywords I can think of.
> What's the barrier to entry that's keeping us from being flooded with supply? Programming is hard; really f'ing hard, for most people because it requires critical thinking continually and learning continually.
These markets were literally flooded with massive volume in games. You went to the store and could literally not decide what you wanted to play, because there were 30+ games you had never seen, you wanted to play them all, and another 30+ for a console you didn't own.
What's the barrier to entry that's keeping us from being flooded with supply? I'm told that CS enrollments are now at record highs, past even the numbers we saw during the dotcom era; perhaps the answer is that there is no barrier, and we're about to get flooded with supply.
Never mind that nobody could ever believe that the primary datacentre could get flooded in a million years. The attitude was that any disaster was possible, and we had to prepare for the impossible.
\nThe reactor was periodically flooded with water which moderated the reaction. After 30 minutes of reaction all water would boil away.
Because Indian outsourcing firms like Infosys, Wipro flooded it with applications to bring in cheap labor! There's no talent or extraordinary ability among the people they bring in.
The direct responses were exactly what the OP had asked, but the comment replies by users were flooded with rape apology and victim blaming. In one instance, a rapist had to tell people to stop apologizing for him because he knew he was an actual rapist.
Google users have apparently been flooded with subscription requests from spammers, and the flooding suddenly became massive. The problem is, there are a large number of jabber servers out there which have open account registration without captchas.
Instead the FBI was involved over this: "So, on a chilly Tuesday morning in December, Shaikh ran a piece of testing software, called ApacheBench, that flooded YouSendIt's servers with traffic. The servers keeled over immediately.
As the mining market becomes flooded with new 'miners' the difficulty will climb rapidly, until it becomes unprofitable to run a GPU if you have to pay for electricity. Finally, bitcoin is highly illiquid.
Edit: with regards to the charge of rudeness leveled against the conference organizers: In a world literally flooded by brands and names, name collision is not rudeness, it is almost inevitable.
Flooded definitions
covered with water; "the main deck was afloat (or awash)"; "the monsoon left the whole place awash"; "a flooded bathroom"; "inundated farmlands"; "an overflowing tub"
See also: inundated overflowing