Milquetoast in a sentence as a noun

The experienced and the jaded look at this and either exit, or stick to the milquetoast.

So we're going to get the blandest, most milquetoast candidates possible.

It is because being a milquetoast is such a popular tactic that people like Christie are able to retain power once they achieve it.

But if the cause is just and the pain is great, a well-articulated anger is going to be far more effective than milquetoast pleading.

And those two are almost freely convertible, provided that you are completely milquetoast and unthreatening to the status quo.

While I no longer pay much attention to their editors, previous NY Times public editors and "conservative" columnists have been quite milquetoast.

It was interesting to see /r/worldnews on Reddit go from a milquetoast forum into one of the internet's leading pro-Putin platforms overnight once Crimea was annexed.

Japan's troubles started with a financial crisis and asset bubble bust twice - in the late 80's and late 90's, similar to the global 2008 crisis, Except Japan had a much, much weaker institutional response than the USA and even the UK did. They shuffled almost annually through a series of milquetoast PMs.

You're probably the only person who is bothered, because you are probably the only person who can see anything remotely resembling a "call to violent action" in something as milquetoast as the nonsense we're discussing.

Well, it is, its something of a milquetoast Halo-clone shooter with some tacked on multiplayer/MMO stuff, but, my god, the game is drenched in Hollywood-esque overly-done orchestral music, big dramatic overtures, epic-style storytelling, etc.

I used to live by this idea, but recently I've found that if instead of spoon-feeding arguments until they click you just are outspoken and determined, those who were gonna join you just figure it out for themselves and you stop wasting time with those who will forever be milquetoast until it's safe.

Should I believe they're honestly negotiating to voluntarily give up on existing/potential products to make the EFF happy?What reason at all do I have to believe the industry isn't just seeking a set of milquetoast "consumer protections" they can make a big deal out of living up to, while not providing any real consumer protection?I don't know if this process is now dead or not.

Choose one of the two following explanations for the iPhone behavior: one, a well-funded and resourceful state agency is hiring people to track a journalist writing a book about the biggest intelligence leak in recent history, and the people they're hiring are juvenile enough to use methods straight out of Hollywood to play a prank on their target's iPhone when he sends a text with possibly the most milquetoast insult about their methods in the history of ever; or, two, the iPhone crashed.

Milquetoast definitions


a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive

See also: sissy pantywaist pansy milksop Milquetoast