Resourceful in a sentence as an adjective

When I did YC, I didn't feel resourceful at all, but that's because I was working on the wrong problems.

It haunts me because I always saw him as resourceful and able to make things work, and now he just seems defeated.

Conditions can change on a dime, and even the most skilled and resourceful SAR technicians may not be able to reach you for days.

The adversaries are definitely way more resourceful and ten steps ahead now.

A few resourceful people would implement some very amazing solutions and then tell me about it, I was impressed.

How is living uncomfortably in a car make you relentlessly resourceful?

Too many people seem to believe that a small number of, ultra resourceful, nefarious folks are using unfair means to "game the system.

While it's tempting to treat "resourcefulness" as a trait intrinsic to founders, in my experience it can be a sharp function of the founder/startup fit.

Of course a founder who has a background in schmoozing is going to do a better job of schmoozing, but that says absolutely nothing about resourcefulness.

The main thing I found was that trying to tell the difference between the resourceful people who came up with a solution in 30 minutes and those who took 2 days was impossible.

Add restrictions and more bureaucracy until the system becomes cumbersome for even the most resourceful player to use.

Its amazing how resourceful you get when your resources are limited!The funny thing is that when you look busy yet can still find the time to help others, people hold you in high regard.

Mr. Jifa is obviously very inventive and resourceful, but dynamite fishing is actually quite detrimental to underwater ecosystems, kills more fish than are harvested, and because of this, is illegal in most of the developed world.

It's a lot easier to say you will do anything to succeed and act the part and struggle and listen to your investors like they're bosses and let your startup die out while going through the motions than it is to be relentlessly resourceful.

What will burn bridges and what won't?So my question to PG and any other resourceful folks out there is: how do you approach a problem domain in which you know nothing, and manage to gain enough of a map of the territory so that you listen to someone's one-word suggestions and instantly grasp the implications?

Choose one of the two following explanations for the iPhone behavior: one, a well-funded and resourceful state agency is hiring people to track a journalist writing a book about the biggest intelligence leak in recent history, and the people they're hiring are juvenile enough to use methods straight out of Hollywood to play a prank on their target's iPhone when he sends a text with possibly the most milquetoast insult about their methods in the history of ever; or, two, the iPhone crashed.

Resourceful definitions


having inner resources; adroit or imaginative; "someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations"; "an able and resourceful politician"; "the most resourceful cook in town"