Pansy in a sentence as a noun

", or "You're a stupid pansy who needs to eat a burger!

And stop being such a pansy about configuring your tools.

I could hear my younger self calling me a pansy when I used the word gruelling in my previous comment.

Honestly, I don't think the meatheads at the airport even knew he was a liberal pansy.

> Would I be more productive with fancy-pansy code completion?

It's just a slur, not anything with content, like calling someone who acts in a way you deem insufficiently masculine a "pansy" or "fag".

My ultimate conclusion is that our current capitalism is half way pansy capitalism.

These meatheads at the airport weren't concerned with national security, they were concerned with teaching this liberal pansy a lesson.

Pansy definitions


large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors


a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive

See also: sissy pantywaist milksop Milquetoast


offensive term for an openly homosexual man