Transfixed in a sentence as an adjective

I love this project, it has had me transfixed for some time now. in my head i created a whole story around it.

Now Netflix seems transfixed on shoving shitty daytime dating shows down my throat.

They also tend to have a hard time seeing that because they're so transfixed by the thing they hate that they're blinded.

For the next couple of weeks engineers\n passing by would abruptly stop, transfixed by the\n paradox. Nerd sniping.

Or the day in late June when I was about 8 that a sudden thunderstorm came up and the three of us watched, transfixed, as a 10 minute hailstorm wiped out the crop. Dad says "Well, that's it for this year".

In any case I think it's a mistake to become too transfixed by what features of work are most conducive to happiness. Yes, happiness is important.

On the other hand, technologists – nerds – are transfixed by it. They see within it enormous potential and spend their nights and weekends tinkering with it.

He has been transfixed by the idea that a Bank in Ghana has an $8 million dollar inheritance for him. I have had so many conversations with him about this being a scam but he won't believe me.

It's more realistic to look at the median outcome, yet every entrepreneur is transfixed by the big exits. If that's not optimism I don't know what is.

Indeed I've spent the majority of my life now in one way or another transfixed by software development. But it seems to me that the vast amount of code written is still, in fact, "clerical work".

He said he was surprised by the general reaction of those that had just recently been transfixed by the flickering 60Hz cathode glow. Mostly they just turned away form the TV and went back to quiet thoughts or whatever.

On my iPad, though, I was transfixed, especially after removing browser chrome and maximizing the image. It felt lie FaceTime with Mars.

Indeed, it seems like the paragraph: > After the talk about “Poetry, Drumming and Mathematics”, we arrived at the appointed time at the Bose–Einstein Guest House to find our man, with his mother, standing transfixed by the deer grazing on the lawns. We managed to prise him away for a while — here’s what followed.

Invariably, some poor schmo was stuck trying to figure out where they went wrong with a doubly linked list implementation in C. They'd sit transfixed, staring at their code concocting all sorts of wild theories. I'd go up to them and tell them they should really try GDB. They'd always declare that they didn't have the time to learn it.

He said, "Chuck nobody knows what they are going to be when the chips are down, they can think they will be a tiger but they sometimes they discover they are the deer, and stare transfixed at the headlights. The best you can do is test people early to get a sense of how they respond and move the ones who can't act in a crisis into safer jobs."

I'll cite a very short poetry by a Sicilian poet called Salvatore Quasimodo: "Everyone stands alone on the heart of the earth / transfixed by a ray of sunshine / and it is suddenly night"

We aren't completely transfixed by job titles, this was just the blog post headline and one component of current recruitment practices we dislike. Unfortunately recruiters may not be so aware of job titles not meaning much - it is still common practice to perform key word search on other platforms to identify candidates.

Transfixed definitions


having your attention fixated as though by a spell

See also: fascinated hypnotized hypnotised mesmerized mesmerised spellbound spell-bound