Spellbound in a sentence as an adjective

It both completely spellbound and scared the **** out of teenage me. You might guess one of the weapon systems it mentions.

The Stand is an awesome piece of work that held me spellbound. Ditto, It. Long books both but I didn't want them to end.

Sometimes you date an attractive person and you are spellbound. It's only later that you realize.

I think your spellbound reaction to people disabling UAC lacks some consideration for their situation. Is it a problem?

Go anonymous, it worked in the 90s and now it's like we've been spellbound by corporations to go personal.

My teammates and I were usually spellbound by the acronym-laden resumes of some Indian developers." Wow, this guy must be really good!

My god, I remember being spellbound by this for hours as a novice, after learning my first few shell commands and managing to get the damn modem to work on linux.

It's my first ThinkPad so I'm still a bit spellbound about the sheer quality of the keyboard compared to every laptop I've used before. Shouldn't be all too surprised to learn Lenovo's are a cut above the rest and, in light of your comments, I won't be so dismissive of them when buying my next ThinkPad. Don't knock it and all that!

True, people can still inject the emotional appeals in papers or conversations, but they tend to get more easily noticed and filtered by the reader or listener without the spellbound effect. Political debates are perhaps an exception.

> While addressing a spellbound audience of young officers, he would sometimes partially immerse one finger in a small beaker of pure VX for a few seconds. Without interrupting his lecture, he would then amble to a nearby sink and casually wash the deadly chemical from his finger.

It seems clear to me that Chrome OS is intended to work offline anyway, so even if Google were spellbound by the no-hedging-your-bets fairy, I'm not sure that this would be a convincing demonstration of its power.

>In the years that followed, a surveillance society flourished in those rooms, a social vision born in the distinct but reciprocal needs of public intelligence agencies and private internet companies, both spellbound by a dream of total information awareness. She sums up two decades of modern history in one sentence.

The lesson, for anyone not spellbound by the real estate industry, is: USA needs to make "systematically investing each month in stocks, bonds or other assets" as socially encouraged and as easy as paying a mortgage.

The level of demagoguery I witnessed around 2008 and 2016 in the US was ridiculous, people were spellbound as if their leaders were Disney characters brought to life. Most Democratic Heads of State are elected on highly superficial and preformative presentations of themselves, effectively the result of giant PR and communications mechanations.

I remember watching Open University program when I was about that age that worked through Cantor's diagonal argument - I vividly remember being spellbound that such a seemingly simple argument could has such a profound and counter intuitive result.

Spellbound definitions


having your attention fixated as though by a spell

See also: fascinated hypnotized hypnotised mesmerized mesmerised spell-bound transfixed