Hypnotised in a sentence as an adjective

Some people are a lot more susceptible to being hypnotised than others.

One particular lack of vision stems from being hypnotised by the notion of markets.

I almost felt like I was being hypnotised. If they can deliver what they say with $100,000 then the fact that they now have 10x that probably means you don;t need to contribute to see the benefit.

I switch off because I don't want to be hypnotised while watching what is ostensibly a documentary.

There is also very easy to get hypnotised by the 3ms response times when you're running it locally. I'd say the only down points at the moment is the size of the community.

Advertising isn't a crazy form of mind control where people are hypnotised into handing over money. Sure that might happen, but the vast majority of people I've met don't know they have a problem until it is pointed out to them.

Yes that person in the previous life would talk through the mouth of the person being hypnotised. Even if in the new life she doesn't know the previous language she would remember the information and feeling, and will be able to express them in the new language.

Afterwards, I was impressed by the quality and content of the talk, and didn't feel like I'd been hypnotised by yet another slide-by-slide "presentation". A well-given talk should not require its contents to be summarized as it is being given.

As a potential customer, I guess I am supposed to hypnotised by all these silly names and acronyms but instead I just keep thinking "Just show me the code". Names seem to serve as a way for the authors to avoid telling us exactly what the software does, instead referring to what the software "is".

However, many of the hypnotised actors' gestures and movements occurred spontaneously during filming.

This is one of those crazy cases where parts of American population were seemingly hypnotised by advertising and are spending insane amounts of money on a commodity item. Here in Poland, the most I've paid for a mattress was an equivalent of $130.

However most consumers are so heavily hypnotised by modern consumerism there only desire what is persuasively advertised which means sexy new 'phones' and not poison free vegetables. Control of food and water gives certain control of people.

I vaguely remember a story decades ago where a group of Russians were hypnotised to bell eve they were a famous Russian painter, and when out of the trance they could all paint to a high professional standard. I think what i am trying to say is that such memes have been around for years, and appeal to our "something for nothing" part of our lizard brain.

\nto make a simpler point: > social psychologist Gustave Le Bon, tried to explain crowd behaviour as a paralysis of the brain; hypnotised by the group, the individual becomes the slave of unconscious impulses. ‘He is no longer himself, but has become an automaton who has ceased to be guided by his will,’ he wrote in 1895.

They sit and stare and stare and sit Until they're hypnotised by it, Until they're absolutely drunk With all that shocking ghastly junk. Oh yes, we know it keeps them still, They don't climb out the window sill, They never fight or kick or punch, They leave you free to cook the lunch And wash the dishes in the sink -- But did you ever stop to think, To wonder just exactly what This does to your beloved tot?

I’m sure I’m oversimplifying, but I wonder if we haven’t all been hypnotised by the complexity, much of which is marketing hype... Actually, the tech is extremely complex, and PageRank is only a tiny part of that.

About the urgent need for a viable competitor to Google, saying: > I wonder if we haven’t all been hypnotised by the complexity, much of which is marketing hype, and have missed the enormous opportunity that exists right in front of our noses. Does the next search engine have to be as big, involved in as many things, employ as many people, and fight on the same footing to be accomplish the goal of providing a counterpoint to Google?

Brown believed he had hypnotised this person before, and when he did he would leave a "trigger" to make it easier to hypnotise the same person next time. He claims he simply snapped his fingers and went "sleep!" to the person in question, who then apparently immediately closed his eyes and appeared to go into trance, before Brown realised he'd never hypnotised him before: What mattered was that this person came to him thinking he would hypnotise him, and either this was actually enough to bring him into a "trance", or it was at least enough to make him believe he was going into a trance and act accordingly because it was what he believed would and should happen.

Hypnotised definitions


having your attention fixated as though by a spell

See also: fascinated hypnotized mesmerized mesmerised spellbound spell-bound transfixed