Discriminating in a sentence as an adjective

But as a discriminating mac pro user who pushed the form factor to the limits, it is not at all what I need.

I can't tell if bookstores have gotten markedly worse or if I've simply become more discriminating in what I'm looking for.

Transcribing a conversation with your wife, wherein the wife in this case is the non-technical part is not discriminating - it is a fact.

I'm not, and I don't think anyone should be. Unless two wrongs make a right, discriminating against people who have not been a party to the kind of discrimination you're talking about helps no one, it just alienates those who see our position clearly.

But they should definitely be prevented from rampantly discriminating against their customers to profit.

What's illegal is discriminating against a candidate based on protected information.

The cause is one of the more common and least discriminating aspects of human nature: whenever any person or organization is successful, there are a lot of people who want to see them cut down to size.

Ms. Campbell filed an injunction against her principal, seeking to prevent him from discriminating against me in any way, and told the news media her story.> [...] Several days later, Wellesley used its Twitter account to make its position known: Katelyn Campbell, #Wellesley is excited to welcome you this fall.

Accordingly, illegalizing racial discrimination would cause us to lose suits over some cases where we were not discriminating in addition to those cases where we were discriminating.

There is no other logical outcome!You have provided absolutely no rational basis for discriminating between the merits of these choices, so your claim that Javascript's choice is one of exactly two "logical" ones is bizarre.

Why should this even matter in the first place?How can we be a supposedly post-racial society and yet have this level of scrutiny on the racial makeup of a company that is clearly not actively discriminating based on race?

Stopping terrorist activity is important and lives potentially hang in the balance, therefore torturing someone on the basis of limited evidence or limiting people's freedoms or discriminating against people because of their race is justified.

Linus accepts patches for just about anything, only discriminating based on patch quality and general development direction of the kernel, without discriminating against the specific thing someone wanted to add. Ulrich went on record several times as not caring about most architecture ports or various other areas, and he rejected patches in those areas, forcing them to live in add-on areas like the "ports" repository.

Why don't we hear enough from people demanding laws that prevent payment processors above a certain size from discriminating based on categories of goods and services?Why can't we make it illegal for MasterCard and Visa to stop processing payments destined for Wikileaks, or PayPal to stop processing payments to VPN providers?

Discriminating definitions


showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur"


having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations"

See also: acute incisive keen knifelike penetrating penetrative piercing sharp